Development of methodologies and the establishment of the basis for Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) and to facilitate implementation of the MSP Directive 2014/89/EU while taking into consideration the biogeographic characteristics of the Macaronesian Region. The project will initiate the process of MSP, applying robust scientific methodologies for the development of the maritime activities in balance with the marine environment, and will include a pilot zoning exercise.


Objetivo Específico 1 Plasmar


Specific Objetive 1


Develop and apply ecosystem approach methodology on Blue Growth sectorial development. Find the balance between maritime sector development and environmental planning, supporting socio-economic growth and ensuring environmental services.


Activity 2.1.1

Study ”Finding the balance of Blue Growth Sustainable Development within Ecosystem Approach”.


Activity 2.1.2

Pilot Zoning – identification of areas for Blue Growth development within ecosystem approach.


Objetivo Específico 2 Plasmar


Specific Objective 2


Development of the Marine Data Infrastructure as a base of knowledge, data & information for the MSP process.


Activity 2.2.1

Analyses of data & information availability, current and potential data holders/providers, in the scope of Maritime Spatial Planning.


Activity 2.2.2

Development of the central node of Marine Data Distributed Infrastructure and connecting it already functional data infrastructures.


Activity 2.2.3

Capacity building for sharing the marine/maritime spatial information – unlocking the data.

Objetivo Específico 3 Plasmar


Specific Objective 3


Finding the pertinent and robust monitoring methods for the marine environmental monitoring (in the scope of Marine Strategy Framework Directive 2008/56/EC (MSFD)) required for the MSP within the Macaronesian region. Action will include rotation and exchange of the experts within project partners, as (part of / well as) the development of capacity building modules.


Activity 2.3.1

Marine monitoring methods needed to apply MSP ecosystem approach


Activity 2.3.2

Marine monitoring campaigns

Informe Layman PLASMAR
Marine Policy PLASMAR
Cómic proyecto PLASMAR
Revista OKEANOS proyecto PLASMAR
Infografía PLASMAR Inglés